Monday, January 10, 2011

ID Theft Report

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, May 9, 2009 10:18 am
Subject: RE: ID Theft Report

Had Officer Kotsiopolous make a report. Only, he didn't want to take a statement. I would like to state in writing that I have not / did not initiate whatever caused the 1099 and am not receiving any benefits from SSA, any pension, or annuity. Is this possible?

Vernon Balmer Jr.

ID Theft Report

-----Original Message-----
From: Bluemke, Alan <>
Sent: Fri, May 8, 2009 12:56 pm
Subject: RE: ID Theft Report

That is fine. 
Alan Bluemke
Central Receiving Division

ID Theft Report

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, May 8, 2009 12:47 pm
Subject: RE: ID Theft Report

I believe in some cases this is just a formality. It is suggested by the FTC and Treasury Department. Those websites inform persons to make a police report, and if the local department is not required to take ID theft reports, to have them take a miscellaneous incident report. I have no proof of ID theft, only what I think a resonable person would consider suspicious activity concerning some personal records of mine. I will come to the station at 4:00 PM today.

Vernon Balmer Jr.

RE: ID Theft Report

-----Original Message-----
From: Bluemke, Alan <>
Cc: Boswell, Timothy A. <>
Sent: Thu, May 7, 2009 11:26 am
Subject: RE: ID Theft Report

Mr. Balmer,
Thank-you for responding.  After checking into your complaint, the officer you spoke with did in fact consult with his supervisor Sgt. Daniels.  Based on the minimal information you could provide, they did not feel sufficient elements for a theft case could be generated.   However, I have instructed my personnel to assist you
as best they can, with the information that you are able to provide, should you wish to pursue initiating the case.  If you have questions, or concerns, please call either myself at 529-3492, or Captain Boswell at 529-3496.
Major Alan Bluemke